Sunday 20 October 2013

OUGD504 - Assembling and Analysing initial Cool nets

OUGD504 - Assembling and Analysing initial Cool nets

'Cool nets' is not the most professional name to call these prototypes - but that's the best way to describe the reason I chose them! They have the most 'cool' opening mechanisms / look the most unusual.

Box 1

I really like this box, the inverted curved top is a really nice effect. Although it's not very easy to open/ figure out how to open and I think that the user may damage it if not too careful.

Box 2

The current design of this net means that this box does not easily retain it's shape. The bottom of the box is hinged and doesn't match up with the other hinges. It would need a lot stronger glue. The top closes by overlapping the different panels, and, like the first box, I think this is difficult to open and close for the user.

 Box 3

I don't really understand this box as none of the hooks reach each other at all ... ? I think it's supposed to be an overlapping hooks but it doesn't currently function like the image in the book, but I really like the concept and may wish to develop this further.

Box 4

The choice of stock became apparent as I tried to assemble this net - it's too thick! The shape of the box is really unusual and the mechanism on top is fiddley but I got a couple of people to try opening and closing it (Few of my housemates); although they found it difficult at first, they found it very impressive and unusual. I don't think the cylindrical shape is useful in this case and may change it - I might even just use the opening!

Box 5

The assembled net of this box is surprisingly sturdy - for most of it. When it comes to the ends of the box, the wavy tab doesn't match up properly and I don't see a quick resolution to this.

Box 6

This box has a really beautiful opening mechanism which is easy to undo and redo. The interior is spacious and an easy shape to work with.

 Box 7

Again, the hooks don't reach each other in any way and I don't understand how the box is supposed to close...

 Box 8

This is a really amazing box that once folded properly, will retract back closed when gently closed by the user. It folds completely flat once opened - like when opening a pass the parcel made of paper. Although it's octagon in the middle, a square based box would fit snugly at an angle (if measured correctly). I think this would be the best box to use as the biggest, outer box.

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