Thursday 6 February 2014

OUGD503 - Responsive - Design Process 2 - Studio Brief 2 - Collaborative Practice - Roles and Responsibilities

Responsive - Collaborative Practice - Roles and Responsibilities 

Why have you chosen to work with your creative partner?

Sarah: We have worked harmoniously in previous briefs together and are complementary in our skills / strengths. We also have very similar styles/ interest in styles.
Danielle: Worked well together before.We live together so can work on it a lot, can communicate easily face to face and can always work together on it. Same creative style and are both perfectionists.

What are your specific areas of creative interest in this brief?

Sarah: I have interests and past experiences frequently working with packaging, illustration, hang lettering, structural net development and designing for children.
Danielle: Illustration, Typography, Craft skills

What specific design skills do you have to offer in relation to your chosen brief? How do you intend to use them?

Sarah: Illustration, hand lettering, designing for children and structural net development.
Danielle: Good software skills - Illustrator for doing illustrations, InDesign for layout, Illustration, Idea generation, Laser cutter - for cutting letter shapes out.

What specific non-design skills do you have to offer in relation to your chosen brief? How do you intend to use them?

Sarah: I'm good with communicating to clients etc and am strong in planning and organisation.
Danielle: Motivation - will make sure we work hard and stick to the deadlines - can encourage Sarah, Time management - Always plan and I'm eager to get started which will help with workload
Get up early - will be the one who can make drop in print slots etc

What will your specific roles be in the collaboration in relation to your brief?

Sarah: I will contribute to ideas, hand lettering development, illustrations and the development of the structural nets.
Danielle: Illustration, Ideas generation, Research into topics, BEAR, illustration, children
Resources - booking things like lasercut, digital print

What will your individual responsibilities be in relation to your brief?

Sarah: I will ensure that whatever I am working on to be completed for an agreed time. To communicate along with my partner any ideas of changes throughout the brief as it develops. To share all of my ideas and thoughts.
Danielle: Working to personal and collaborative deadlines, Being able to book and work lasercutter, Ask and give feedback continuously, Work to a high standard.

What will your joint responsibilities be?

Sarah: Agreeing on a style to work in together, constant communication between the collaborative partnership, to stick to plans and to constantly manage our time.
Danielle: Agreeing on a style to work in together, constant communication between the collaborative partnership, to stick to plans and to constantly manage our time.

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