Monday 24 February 2014

OUGD503 - Responsive - Yoke Dialogue Exhibition Entry Design

OUGD503 - Responsive - Yoke Dialogue Exhibition Entry Design

Yoke, a creative duo currently in the 3rd year of our course, are to be holding an exhibition in the corn exchange on the 7th March of screen prints based around the theme of 'dialogue'. The screen print designs are to be received from participating designers like myself, and combined in one design to form a blind collaboration, a form of dialogue in itself.

After having a few different ideas, I decided to base my poster design around the theme of dialogue, but using 'mean' quotes that people have actually said to me in real conversations, in a light hearted, northern english humorous way! 

Creating a love-letter

The first part to my design was a 'love letter', a passing quote from my boyfriend about how he didn't really like any of my clothes!  At the time I found it hilarious and decided to incorporate it into my design:

Formatting Different Quotes:

The Final Design:

Here is my final design! It's only supposed to be in one colour to be appropriate for screen printing. I also left a lot of white space because it's going to be combined with another's work. 

All the other quotes on the poster can be credited to my close friends, my mother and my nanna!

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