Saturday 11 January 2014

OUGD504 - Design for print and web - Floor and wall stickers

OUGD504 - Design for print and web - Floor and wall stickers

I started off with sketches:

But when it came to digitising the designs, I was reluctant to create any more illustrations for the project - it was getting too complicated!! I decided to improvise on screen with the components that I already had.

I started off with 4 circles - each 20cm in diameter, as I deemed that this would be easily visible on the street, if there were a line of these on the floor.

I copied the designs of the actual sticker designs from the pack as a starting point, as I think they have a good composition. I also wanted all the floor stickers to be red - as this was an easily visible colour.

I added more appropriate slogans to them.

Here are the final four designs of floor stickers. Because they are for information and way finding, I decided to include more instructional imagery such as the arrow, and clear start and finishing points. I am happy with these designs as they comprehend to the overall look of the project whilst still being clear and instructional for the user.

AR wall sticker points

For the Augmented Reality app to work, it needs real-life props as marker points. I created this design based on a mixture of the logo and the app icon:

It measures 25cm x 25cm because I didn't want them to be too big, as the brief dictates that the project must not constitute litter, but big enough for the user to see and direct the smartphone camera towards.

Both of these icons were added to the map with instructions for the user to respond to them when prompted at the event itself.

1 comment:

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